Traffic Accidents and the Negligence They Cause

 Traffic accidents are among the most debated and frightening issues nowadays, often resulting in the loss of many lives. Somewhat marginalized but highly perilous are traffic accidents, which occur due to individuals' ignorance, negligence, and sometimes recklessness, particularly among young people. It is crucial to discuss their causes, risks, ways to avoid them, and educate individuals about their dangers, which we will address in this article.

Traffic Accidents

Traffic accidents are among the most debated and frightening issues nowadays, often resulting in the loss of many lives. Somewhat marginalized but highly perilous are traffic accidents, which occur due to individuals' ignorance, negligence, and sometimes recklessness, particularly among young people. It is crucial to discuss their causes, risks, ways to avoid them, and educate individuals about their dangers, which we will address in this article.

Undoubtedly, traffic accidents occur due to vehicle collisions with each other, with structures, and unfortunately, sometimes with pedestrians. From here, we can assert that the victims of traffic accidents are numerous, and their consequences are severe, involving material, moral damages, and loss of innocent lives.

Global studies and statistics indicate that traffic accidents result in over 1.38 million deaths annually. In Palestine, according to the latest statistics from 2019, traffic accidents have been on the rise, with a 2.6% increase from the previous year in 2018, totaling 12,829 accidents. This increase is higher than the average for the three preceding years, with a 9.3% rise.

Causes of Traffic Accidents:

1. Speeding is considered one of the primary causes of traffic accidents. The higher the speed exceeds the limit, the more it creates barriers and numerous risks. Distance also plays a significant role; the closer the distance between vehicles and structures, the higher the likelihood of accidents.

2. Lack of focus while driving, being distracted by music, and using mobile phones are reasons that increase the accident rate.

3. Failure to maintain vehicles regularly and ensuring the proper functioning of all devices are factors that increase the chances of accidents.

4. Driving under the influence (of drugs or alcohol) significantly increases the likelihood of traffic accidents.

All these reasons stem from the absence of strict laws and the weak enforcement of traffic laws, monitoring, and follow-up by the competent authority. Negligence in enforcing the law contributes to the increase in traffic accidents.

Legally, the driver (the perpetrator) is responsible for injuries and traffic accidents. Compensation liability falls on the perpetrator or the insurance company if the vehicle is insured.

According to Article 2(A) of the Vehicle Insurance Law, every vehicle owner must insure their car with mandatory insurance. This means that the insurance company can cover damages and provide compensation, while the perpetrator can sue the insurance company.

How to Avoid Traffic Accidents and Roads:

- Avoid rushing while driving; it reduces concentration. Maintain a safe distance between vehicles and others.

- Minimize phone use and distractions like music or drinks that reduce focus.

- Pay close attention while driving, follow safety guidelines and crisis instructions, and watch traffic lights and pedestrian lines.

- Regularly maintain and check vehicles.

Finally, drivers must be aware that complying with safety laws and avoiding traffic accidents not only preserves their safety but also protects many lives. They should understand that violations and negligence can undoubtedly lead to casualties, damages, and injuries. For your own benefit and the benefit of others, comply and do not exceed the limits.
